lavender recipes

Lavender Ice Cream


(makes about 1 quart)

  •  4 large eggs, separated

  • 2 cups heavy cream

  • 1 cup milk (or almond milk)

  • ¼ ts salt

  • ¾ c sugar

  • A small handful (about ¼ c) lavender leaves washed – you can leave them on the stalk if you’d like

 This is a no-holds barred version – you can find lower fat, more standard ice-cream recipes online and just substitute in the lavender steps if you’d like.

 Combine the milk, cream, and sugar in a large pan. Add the lavender leaves and heat gently over low heat. The idea here is not only to heat the milk but to give the lavender time to infuse flavor so keep it low enough to do some other tasks and not have to stir constantly – that part comes later.

 Separate the eggs and set the whites aside for something else.  Beat the salt into the egg yolks. When the milk mixture is hot – steaming but not simmering, temper the eggs (add some hot milk to the egg yolks stirring constantly and then stir the egg mixture into the milk pan also stirring constantly.)

 Stir everything over low heat until thickened with no taste of raw egg and the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and pour through a strainer into a large bowl. This removes the lavender and any accidental lumps. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Assemble your ice-cream maker and pour the mixture in as you would any other. Sample frequently and often 😊